Viewing Grant Proposal: Keweenaw Bay Indian Community_NRD Locations Solar and Battery Storage

This proposal includes the development of solar and battery storage projects at two KBIC Natural Resources Department (NRD) locations including the NRD complex and fish hatchery, and the Bemadizijig ogitiganiwaa (People’s Garden). 1) The NRD complex and fish hatchery project is grid-tied and includes a proposal for a combination of rooftop and canopy mounted solar with 140.8kW capacity and a total of 385kWh of battery storage. NRD is in the process of designing a new building with the goal of expanding office space with some additional hatchery support and a solar canopy for covered parking preventing heat sync. 2) The Bemadizijig ogitiganiwaa project is grid-tied and includes a proposal for a combination of ground mount solar with 59.2kW capacity and 150kWh of battery storage. This project is being proposed as an agrovoltaic demonstration and solar+storage education, to be built into garden programming. The estimated energy consumption offset for this project is 116%.
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